CASE STUDY: how savvy social content can drive brand awareness

Our campaign with pension provider Penfold, was a great example of how to use a calendar hook to get people talking about what they do. We used social media and the online community of freelancers to spread awareness and get great results on a tight budget and even tighter timeline!

The Brief

Our client Penfold, who provide pensions for the self-employed, wanted our help to create a campaign around Pensions Awareness Day. Their goal was to educate small businesses, freelancers and the self-employed on how important it is to start saving for a pension, drive new sign-ups and get people talking about pensions. The challenge; a tight budget.

Why Pension Awareness Day?

Why not just create a campaign and run it when you want to? There are many social media awareness days, some of which are for fun, while others can be a great opportunity for businesses to join in conversations and raise awareness about their brand and the products or services they offer. With careful planning you can create effective campaigns that not only pack a punch, but don’t have to cost the earth.


What did we do?

We wanted to connect with people and get them involved, not just liking a tweet or a post. Penfold agreed to give anyone signing up for a pension on the day a bonus £25 straight into their pension pot. We also created a quiz for people to enter with a chance to win £500 into their Penfold pension pot. The key to the quiz was that the questions centred around pensions facts and how flexible Penfold pensions are. All the answers were either in Penfold blog posts on their website, or in that day’s social media posts to encourage engagement and drive website traffic.

Not only did we create social media copy and graphics for tweets and Instagram posts, but we also organised some pre-recorded and live videos for Instagram stories. These featured one of Penfold’s founders, Chris Eastwood, Ellie from This Girl Talks Money, Dave Smyth from Work Notes, Alice Benham and a live webinar for Grow & Glow members.


The Results

We got people talking about the importance of a self-employed pension across social media - result! Penfold were also tagged in some great user-generated content from people endorsing Penfold pensions, mentioning benefits and commenting on how user-friendly the app is. Their offer was also picked up by The Fintech Times in their weekly news roundup.

Want more stats?

  • 1023 entries to the online quiz we created

  • 812 email subscriptions

  • 52 new Instagram followers

  • 38 new Twitter followers

  • 2 Instagram Lives + 1IGTV with 509 views so far

  • 237% Increase in website traffic on the Awareness Day

  • 62 new sign-ups all driven by the PAD activity

Working in conjunction with Penfold we created some great incentives and social media content that engaged with their community and ultimately increased email subscriptions, gained new followers on social media, increased website referral traffic and most importantly generated new sign-ups.

All this in a single Awareness Day’s work.


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