10 things to do this April


Brighter days are on their way as the national lockdown starts to ease this month. In April, we can legally participate in outdoor group exercise, visit outdoor hospitality venues, and even get our hair done! To make the most of the now as we transition back to normal, here are our 10 best things to do this month to bring a little fun and laughter to your life.

1. Read Company of One by Paul Jarvis

As freelancers, we are often one-man-bands, and if not, we work with only a handful of other entrepreneurs. And according to Paul Jarvis, we’ve all done it absolutely right. Hoorah! In his opinion, the key to a successful and fulfilling work life is to think small. Why focus on getting bigger when you can focus on getting BETTER? Running a successful small business should be stress-free, rewarding, and something that we love, and in his book Company of One, Jarvis will teach you exactly how you can do this on your own. 

Buy here…

2. Listen to We Will Get Past This

Looking for some food for the soul? Try listening to We Will Get Past This, a podcast by Sandi Toksvig. It’s like having a steaming bowl of chicken soup or big hot choc snuggled up with a blanket on a cold winter’s day, hugging you from the outside in. With each episode being only around 10 minutes, you can visit Sandi in her room of books easily throughout your busy day and take a trip down memory lane, celebrating some of the forgotten characters in history. 

Listen here… 

3. Subscribe to Breathe magazine

For the ultimate insight into a calm and mindful life, we recommend you subscribe to Breathe magazine, whose aim is to help you “make more time for yourself”. We get it, you’re busy! Running a small business is hard work and there’s always more you can be doing to improve. But making time for yourself is so essential – either that or say hello to burn out! Breathe helps you better manage stress and find time to focus on the most important thing: YOU. 

Subscribe here…

4. Get active outside

After the easing of restrictions on 29th March, outdoor leisure centres and organised outdoor sport is legal again (hurrah). If you aren’t part of a sports group already, why not get involved? After all, there isn’t much else to do at the moment (thanks again, COVID) and it’s a great way to socialise, try something totally new, and get those endorphins pumping. The BBC has a handy list of sports and activities across the UK to help find an option near you. 

Visit the BBC Activity Finder…

5. Book an open-air meal!

We are still a far stretch from the pre-pandemic hospitality industry we know and love, but outdoor restaurants and bars are set to open this month. Praise the Lord! It is no secret that the two of us are huge foodies, and the idea of being able to go a restaurant with a friend (even if we have to brave sitting outdoors), is making us very excited. So, go get those open-air meals planned and booked in. Our go to for restaurant tips is London On The Inside and their latest feature on great outdoor spaces at restaurants will get you sorted!

Visit London On The Inside

6. Take on a new personal challenge

For many, the past year has felt pretty flat and lifeless, with tensions running high. As life slowly starts to return to normal, why not take on a new challenge to kickstart your personal growth? You could sign up for a fitness challenge or partake in a run for charity. Or, perhaps you want to do something more extreme like a skydive. Mental challenges are a great option too. Could you learn a new language? Take an online course? Learn an instrument?

7. Have a travel documentary Netflix binge

We are easing out of lockdown slowly now, but we are not all the way yet. For anyone with itchy feet, a great way to get your travel fix is to turn to Netflix. They’ve got some great picks to choose from. If you haven’t binged it already, Down to Earth with Zac Efron is a must that has a focus on sustainable living. We also love Chef’s Table (any fellow foodies will be with us on that!), or Our Planet is a classic we can rewatch again and again. 

Browse Netflix here…

8. Treat yourself!

It’s time to put down those kitchen scissors and say goodbye to those dodgy DIY haircuts and colours. Treat yourself this April and get yourself booked in at the salon – it’s long overdue! What look are you going for? A Zooey Deschanel-esque fringe? A cute bob? A full head of highlights? If the hairdressers aren’t your thing, why not get those nails done or eyebrows waxed. Treatwell makes booking salon appointments easy and often has offers on the go, so take a look and show yourself a little TLC. 

Visit Treatwell here…

9. Say goodbye to stress… forever!

April is Stress Awareness month, with the theme for 2021 being “Regaining Connectivity, Certainty, and Control”. Now, doesn’t that sound lovely? To help tackle stress and to help us form habits that keep stress at bay permanently, the Stress Management Society is running a 30-day challenge. Why not get involved? By committing to forming habits for an entire month, you can turn these small actions into huge behavioural changes to help make a difference every day. 

Learn more here…

10. Enjoy the peace and quiet

We’ve all been praying for normality. But when all businesses go back, indoor hospitality venues open, and we can legally socialise, we may well end up missing the peace and quiet. The grass is always greener, eh? With this all happening as early as 17th May, make the most of these last weeks we have to ourselves before life ramps up to full-swing again.

If you have any other suggestions for freelancers, business owners and self-employed folk send them our way, we’d love to hear from you!


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